
Next Best Thing in Digital Marketing in 2022 – 2023

Next Best Thing in Digital Marketing in 2022 - 2023

As we are approaching the end of 2022, we are just three months away from entering 2023. Digital marketing trends keep changing; digital marketing is evolving, changing, and competitive. In addition to the fundamentals of Digital Marketing, things SEO, PPC, SMO, and content marketing.

Digital marketers must research emerging social channels, evolving restrictions, virtual reality, and content and automation.

As we think about the next big thing in digital marketing in 2023, we asked around 100 marketers for the most critical Digital marketing strategies and trends that may be a big thing in Digital marketing.

Here are the top 3 digital marketing trends that may be the next big thing in 2022 and starting in 2023:

The Emergence of Metaverse in 2021 and growth in 2022:

The Meta and Metaverse refer to the mystic and famous virtual world of AR and VR augmented reality, virtual reality, and 3D holographic avatars that resemble your personality. Meta has even added a few changes to it, which include the addition of hands and legs, and video—and even the gaming experience is on a different level. You can play table tennis with your friends on your VR devices by Meta and enjoy a real-time experience. , but a persistent environment where people work, play and socialize. Although virtual reality (VR) gets everyone excited with grand sci-fi ideas like the ones you see in the movies. AR has been more realistic for marketers. For example, Lenskart uses AR to show people how they look, particularly in Sunglasses and Glasses.

Metaverse in 2021

The emergence of Voice Commerce

The launch of voice assistants has disrupted Digital Marketing more than the search engine world in 2022, and it will also be the next big thing in 2023. As we have observed by Amazon Alexa to search for products or, As it turns out, consumers don’t just like to use them to execute their search queries — they also want to use them to purchase. To understand the power of voice commerce, we need to consider one aspect of the consumer’s purchase process: convenience. A consumer may not purchase a mobile through a voice assistant, but they are most likely to buy the best price product. Walmart is taking advantage of voice search by partnering with Google to launch the Walmart Voice Order feature.

Big Brands Who are using Voice search in 2022 to sell their Product:

Google Home: Google. ( hi, Google)

Amazon Echo/Alexa: Bing. ( Alexa Play the Bollywood Song)

Google Assistant: Google. ( Ok, Google)

Voice Commerce

Shopping via Live Stream:

Livestream Commerce is relatively new to India due to the dominance of Instagram and multiple influencers using Instagram to promote the product. Still, China has already made a billion-dollar market over it by taking the first mover advantage. Many Big Brands choose their social media platforms to showcase their products live in India. They will be using Facebook and Instagram, and the audience will be able to buy the product live, which makes the whole buying journey very convenient for the end users.


Even on Instagram, I’ve Shopping – This feature is among the most innovative features launched in India. You can go live on your Instagram and showcase your products. Instagram Live allows you to tag upto 30 products.

Companies that are using Live stream commerce are Myntra, Nykaa

Read More: 6 Advantages of Learning Facebook Marketing in 2022


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